PCHRD funds research proposals that are aligned with the National Unified Health Research Agenda (NUHRA) and the DOST’s Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda (HNRDA).

NUHRA, being the national template for health research and development efforts, guides the health research sector on the health researches that address the most pressing health concerns of the country. NUHRA specifies the areas and topics that need to be addressed in the next five years, in line with global and national initiatives influencing the health sector. On the other hand, the HNRDA focuses more on the areas of science, technology, and innovation for health.

These identified research priority areas are as follows:

PCHRD Research Priorities 

  1. Tuklas Lunas® (Drug Discovery and Development)
  2. Functional Foods
  3. Nutrition and Food Safety
  4. Re-emerging and Emerging Infectious Diseases
  5. OMIC Technologies for Health
  6. Biomedical Devices Engineering for Health
  7. Diagnostics
  8. Digital and Frontier Technologies for Health
  9. Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation in Health
  10. Mental Health

NUHRA can be downloaded here.

Review Procedures

Approval of proposals for research grants will be based on a multi-level review process.

  1. Internal evaluation and screening in terms of alignment to the research priorities, duplication, and completeness of requirements.
  2. External evaluation by technical experts and consultants based on the following criteria: 
    • Relevance/Significance
    • Technical and Ethical Merit
    • Data Management
    • Feasibility (practicality, cost, time)
    • Proponent’s/Institution’s Capacity
    • Marketability Potential (for product-based proposals) 
  3. Final approval by the PCHRD Executive Director, PCHRD Governing Council or the DOST Executive Committee depending on the recommended total budgetary requirement of the proposal.

In each stage of the review process, the proponent may need to revise the proposal on the basis of the recommendations of the reviewers.

The review process will take forty (40) working days provided that all the requirements have been submitted.

Who may apply

Filipinos with at least a Master’s Degree in a relevant field, have proven research competence/track record, and employed in universities/colleges, research agencies/institutes, hospitals, and other health related agencies are eligible to apply for the research grant.

How to apply

The proponent should submit the following requirements online through the DOST Project Management Information System (DPMIS) during the designated schedule of the PCHRD Call for Proposals or other Special Calls:

  • Project Proposal following the PCHRD Detailed Proposal Form
  • Workplan Schedule (Gantt Chart of Activities)
  • Proposed Line-Item Budget (LIB)
  • Counterpart Funding of Implementing Agency
  • Ethics Clearance, if applicable
  • Biosafety Clearance, if applicable
  • Informed Consent Form (for studies involving human subjects)
  • Case Report Form, if applicable
  • Endorsement of Agency Head
  • Duties and Responsibilities of each Project Personnel
  • Curriculum Vitae of Proponent(s)
  • Other requirements specified in the DOST Grants-in-Aid Guidelines for certain type of implementing agencies (e.g. NGOs, private companies).  
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Contact Us
Saliksik Building, Science Community Complex Gen. Santos Ave., Bicutan, Taguig City 1631
info@pchrd.dost.gov.ph, feedback@pchrd.dost.gov.ph
Trunk Lines: 8837-2931; 8837-0087; 8837-2924
Direct Lines: 8837-2942; 8837-7536; 8837-0031; 8837-7535; 8837-7534; 8837-7537
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