PCHRD, UK MRC invite proposals to 2nd UK-Philippines Joint Health Research Call

The United Kingdom Medical Research Council (UK MRC) and the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), through the Philippine Council for Health and Research Development (PCHRD), are inviting concept proposals to the 2nd UK-Philippines Joint Health Research Call for possible funding of up to 129 million (£2 million pounds) and 80 million (£1.25 million pounds) pesos for successful participants in UK and Philippines, respectively.

The Call aims to strengthen the research base in the UK and the Philippines as well as enable partnership opportunities in the areas of Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases.

Areas of research interests within the Communicable Diseases may include genomics and molecular technologies, and diagnostics on diseases that impact the most vulnerable people in society such as influenza-like illnesses, chronic respiratory infections, leptospirosis, sepsis, hepatitis, rabies, and Zika virus.

Likewise, the area of interests for Non-Communicable Diseases may include the use of animal models in identifying the genes responsible for protection from a disease, studies on creation or use of animal models for therapeutic trials, and development of cost-effective biomedical devices for diagnosis, treatment, and management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus among Filipinos.

Proposals should be emailed to international@headoffice.mrc.ac.uk until 6 June 2017. For more information, visit https://www.pchrd.dost.gov.ph/index.php/news/6154-uk-philippines-joint-health-research-initiative-call-for-concept-proposals.

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