PCHRD honors Filipino health innovators in its 40th anniversary

The Department of Science and Technology – Philippine Council for Health Research and Development will mark its 40th founding anniversary in a three-day virtual celebration on 16-18 March 2022 via Zoom and Facebook live streaming.

With the theme, “PCHRD @ 40 and Beyond: Transforming Lives through Health Research and Development,” the event will provide a platform for participants from the academe, policymakers, private sector, and civil society representatives to converse on advancing the landscape of the country’s health research in the next decade.

In the past 40 years, the DOST-PCHRD, together with its partners, worked to provide research-based solutions for health. Recognizing the dynamic field of healthcare, we continuously expand and assess the scope of our services to respond to the changing needs of our communities,” said DOST-PCHRD Executive Director Jaime C. Montoya.

Among the activities include the ceremonial launching of the 2022 National Ethical Guidelines for Research Involving Human Participants, ceremonial book launching of Tuklas Lunas: A Decade of Research, Innovation, and Technology Advancement in Health Products, a plenary session entitled, “Then, Now, and Future of Health Research in a changing world,” and sessions on new R&D Programs and research utilization.

Before PCHRD was founded 40 years ago, there was no organized body that would provide leadership to all health research initiatives in the Philippines. What is normal today – a coordinated framework, and an enabling environment for health innovators – was just a vision in 1982 that required determination and vigor to make every Filipino’s life better,” said DOST Secretary Fortunato de la Peña.

Dr. Carmencita D. Padilla, University of the Philippines Manila Chancellor, will deliver the keynote address. A pioneer in genetics in the Philippines and the Asia Pacific region, Dr. Padilla is a Professor of Pediatrics at the College of Medicine and the Founding Director of the Institute of Human Genetics and the Newborn Screening Reference Center at the National Institutes of Health. Recognizing her varied contributions to the academic growth of genetics in the Philippines, she was conferred Academician of the National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) in 2008.

In the new normal, PCHRD’s new life will begin at 40. The Council will take bolder strides moving forward to support our health researchers,” Dr. Montoya added.

Interested participants may register through: https://40.pchrd.dost.events. To know more about the event, visit www.pchrd.dost.gov.ph. and follow the PCHRD Facebook page (/dostpchrd) and Twitter page (@DOST_PCHRD).


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