“Para na po!” Study shows that working conditions pose danger to jeepney drivers’ health and safety
“Basta driver, sweet lover” is a playful slogan commonly displayed inside public utility vehicles in the country; yet it might not be sweet for jeepney drivers after all, as a study revealed that their working conditions pose threats to their health and safety.
The study conducted by the College of Engineering of the University of the Philippines Diliman noted that the average jeepney driver spends at least 10 hours behind the wheel, a situation that causes them to be subjected to awkward positions for extended periods, resulting in discomfort and body pains.
To assess the workplace layout of jeepney drivers and identify ergonomic hazards critical to their work, the study randomly selected jeepneys traveling within the University of the Philippines Diliman campus, and took measurements of all vehicle components used while driving these vehicles. The researchers also interviewed the jeepney drivers.
Ironically, the result showed that all drivers interviewed stated that they were contented with the state of their workspace, even though they confirmed that they experienced body ache after each working day.

“Basta driver, sweet lover” is a playful slogan commonly displayed inside public utility vehicles in the country; yet it might not be sweet for jeepney drivers after all, as a study revealed that their working conditions pose threats to their health and safety.
The study conducted by the College of Engineering of the University of the Philippines Diliman noted that the average jeepney driver spends at least 10 hours behind the wheel, a situation that causes them to be subjected to awkward positions for extended periods, resulting in discomfort and body pains.
To assess the workplace layout of jeepney drivers and identify ergonomic hazards critical to their work, the study randomly selected jeepneys traveling within the University of the Philippines Diliman campus, and took measurements of all vehicle components used while driving these vehicles. The researchers also interviewed the jeepney drivers.
Ironically, the result showed that all drivers interviewed stated that they were contented with the state of their workspace, even though they confirmed that they experienced body ache after each working day.