Dr. Lozano-Kühne also co-authors the “Orientation Booklet for Filipinos in Germany 2016,” a guide for visiting Filipinos, migrants, and new residents in Germany, where the DOST Balik Scientist Program was recommended to interested balikbayan scientists and professionals
PASAY CITY, Metro Manila- The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) will celebrate the annual National Science and Technology Week (NSTW) from 25 to 29 July 2016, with the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD) leading the Metro Manila Health Science Community (MMHSC).
NSTW is conducted every July to give recognition to outstanding accomplishments and personalities in science and technology (S&T). Earlier celebrations where done by eight clusters of DOST, namely, agriculture micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), industry, information technology and business process management (IT-BPM), government service, healthcare, human resources, weather, and geologic hazards.
NSTW 2015 with DOST Secretary Mario Montejo, DOST Undersecretary for Research and Development Amelia Guevara and PCHRD Executive Director Jaime Montoya
With the overall theme “Juan Science. One Nation,” this year’s NSTW will be simultaneously celebrated in various regions of the country. Commemorative ceremonies and activities highlighting the contribution of S&T to national development are expected.
“For the NSTW 2016, PCHRD has partnered with the Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) and the Metro Manila Health Research and Development Consortium (MMHRDC) to form the MMHSC and showcase DOST’s latest projects and technologies on health and nutrition,” explained PCHRD Executive Director Jaime Montoya.
The MMHSC will hold an open house exhibit at SM MOA Atrium to feature technologies on health such as eHATID, RxBox, Axis Knee System, and Biotek-M. Among the activities to be conducted also are natural products forum, mental health awareness among teenagers, health apps webinar, traditional medicine forum, nutrition counseling, and nutrition survey forum.
With their theme “Kalusugan ni Juan at Juana. Kalusugan ng Bayan,” the MMHSC hopes to inspire government and private sectors in supporting and creating similar initiatives improving the national economy and lives of the citizens.
“We are very excited for this year’s S&T week. Through the help of MMHRDC, we gathered the participation of some universities in Metro Manila to conduct activities presenting current issues and concerns on health in the country,” added Dr. Montoya.
Among these universities are University of Santo Tomas (UST), De La Salle University (DLSU), University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center (UERM), University of the Philippines Manila (UP Manila), and Saint Luke’s Medical Center.
For more information on MMHSC events for the NSTW, contact Ms. Ladylove May Baurile at 837-0031 or You can also like DOST PCHRD on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (@DOST_PCHRD) to get the latest updates!