40 researchers to participate in the 12th National Medical Writing Workshop and 5th Writeshop for Young Researchers

MALATE, Manila- Forty researchers will participate in the upcoming 12th National Medical Writing Workshop and 5th Writeshop for Young Researchers on 7-8 August 2017 at Pan Pacific Manila.

Organized by the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD), in cooperation with the Philippine Association of Medical Journal Editors (PAMJE) and Asia Pacific Association of Medical Journal Editors (APAME), the workshop aims to help researchers in health and health social sciences to acquire practical knowledge and skills in preparing a scientific article for publication in a scholarly peer-reviewed journal.

Among the lessons to be taught are structure and individual components of a scientific paper, process of preparing a manuscript, and the role of editors and peer reviewers and what they look for in a manuscript.

Under the guidance of the faculty and mentor-facilitators, the participants will also have the opportunity to review and revise their manuscripts. After the workshop, they are expected to submit their articles to an appropriate scholarly peer-reviewed journal within three months.

The 12th National Medical Writing Workshop and 5th Writeshop for Young Researchers will be held in line with the celebration of the Philippine National Health Research System (PNHRS) Week.

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