2018 NSTW Mindanao: Health Cluster showcases how S&T works in daily life

Every third week of July, the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) celebrates the National Science and Technology Week (NSTW) to showcase the various research projects supported by the Philippines. For the first time, the NSTW kick-off event was held in the region, at the SMX Convention Center, SM Lanang, Davao City, on 6-9 July. Participated by students, entrepreneurs, researchers, and local government employees and officials, the three-day event inspired Mindanaoans to patronize local technology and feature the capability of local science experts.

With the theme, “24 Hours of Healthy Living through S&T,” the exhibit for the Science, Technology, and Innovation for Health Cluster (STI for Health) showed how DOST-supported and assisted technologies are integrated in the daily lives of families.

The Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD), together with the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI), Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI), and Philippine Textile Research Institute (PTRI) showcased DOST breakthrough programs, services, and technologies under this cluster. Among the featured technologies include the self-cleaning textiles and ornamental plants from PTRI; stabilized brown rice and rice-mongo, and sesame baby food from FNRI.  PCHRD, on the other hand, presented FASSSTER, Biotek-M Dengue Aqua Kit, ReliefVent, and Agapay from PCHRD.

Gracing the opening ceremonies was President Rodrigo Duterte who highlighted the importance of continuous innovation and its role in the development of the nation, “Science, technology. It’s innovation. You innovate now or you perish. If we do not innovate in our lives, in all forms, we would have a hard time this next generation,“ he said.

The National Science Technology Week Mindanao celebration is organized by the Mindanao Cluster of Department of Science and Technology. For more information about the National and Regional Science and Technology Week celebrations, please visit nstw.dost.gov.ph

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