Call for Applications: 2025 DOST-PCHRD Undergraduate Thesis Grant in Natural Products

The  Department of Science and Technology – Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST-PCHRD) Undergraduate Thesis Grant in Natural Products provides fund support to all undergraduate students who will conduct their thesis on natural products from plants and microorganisms. The annual program aims to sustain a research culture in natural products to increase the number of research and consequently build a pool of researchers/experts specializing in the field. The program supports the Drug Discovery and Development (Tuklas Lunas) program of the DOST-PCHRD which aims to develop safe, effective, and affordable alternative drugs from the country’s natural resources. 

Thesis grants amounting to a maximum of seventy-five thousand pesos (Php 75,000.00) will be given to two (2) to four (4) qualified thesis proposals per region (depending on availability of funds). After completion of the thesis projects and submission of the required deliverables, an oral research presentation competition will be held to recognize and disseminate information regarding their innovative work on natural products.



  • The proposed undergraduate thesis study must utilize natural products from terrestrial/marine plants and/or microorganisms indigenous to the Philippines, and must be focused on human health.
  • Thesis projects must commence within the specified duration as stated in the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). The project must be completed from August 2025 to May 2026.


  • All undergraduate students (3rd/4th year*) of Pharmacy, Chemistry, Nursing, and Health and Allied Sciences who have thesis proposals on natural products focused on human health are eligible to apply. 

*Students who will not finish their degree on time but are expected to complete their thesis within the contract period may still be considered, provided that their timeline aligns with the duration of the grant.

Thesis Adviser

  • Thesis adviser must have a strong academic or professional background in natural products, preferably with expertise in related fields such as biochemistry, pharmacognosy, or medicinal chemistry.
  • If the thesis adviser has previously mentored grantees under this program, they must have fulfilled all obligations with the DOST-PCHRD, including the timely submission of all required technical and financial reports. Any unresolved accountability issues with the DOST-PCHRD will disqualify the adviser from participating in the program.
  • To ensure that each team or individual receives adequate supervision and mentorship, each thesis adviser is limited to overseeing a maximum of two (2) teams or individuals at any given time. 

Applicants should submit the following proposal documents to their respective Regional Health Research and Development Consortium (RHRDC):

  1. Duly accomplished prescribed research proposal form with college seal (word and PDF format)
  2. Proposed Line-Item Budget (LIB) with breakdown of expenses
  3. Endorsement letter from the institution signed by the head of the university and the college dean
  4. Certificate of plant authentication
  5. Applicable clearance/s
    1. Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) clearance for studies involving animal subjects
    2. Biosafety Clearance for studies involving genetic engineering and pathogenic organisms
    3. National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) Clearance for studies involving Indigenous Peoples
    4. Gratuitous Permit from Biodiversity Management Bureau of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) for studies involving collection of flora and fauna from DENR Protected Areas
    5. Ethical clearance from a PHREB-accredited Research Ethics Committee for studies involving human subjects
  6. Curriculum vitae of the student/s and adviser
  1. Application documents will be screened and shortlisted by the secretariat of the Regional Health Research and Development Consortia (RHRDCs). Only those applications with complete documentary requirements will be considered in the shortlisting process. A maximum of four (4) applications will be endorsed to DOST-PCHRD for evaluation.
  2. Endorsed applications will be screened and evaluated by the PCHRD awards secretariat. Research proposals that passed the PCHRD in-house evaluation will then be endorsed to the Selection Committee for external technical evaluation.
  3. The research proposals will be evaluated by the Selection Committee based on the following criteria:
    1. Relevance/Significance (20%)
    2. Technical merit (50%)
    3. Investigator’s capacity (20%)
    4. Budget Appropriateness (10%)

To qualify for the grant, the research proposal must have a rating of at least 75%.

  1. The top two (2) qualified research proposals in the region will receive the grant amounting to a maximum of seventy-five thousand pesos (Php 75,000.00). Should there be any available funds, other qualified research proposals in the region may be funded, subject to approval of the Selection Committee and PCHRD.  
Activity First call
Call for thesis proposal applications March to April 2025
Deadline of submission of applications to the Regional Health Research and Development Consortium (RHRDC) April 30, 2025
Deadline of endorsement of shortlisted entries to DOST-PCHRD May 15, 2025
Evaluation of thesis proposals by PCHRD and the Selection Committee May to June 2025
Provision of grants to selected grantees July 2025
Conduct of study August 2025 to May 2026
Submission of completed studies to DOST-PCHRD 1st week of June 2026
Selection of finalists by the Selection Committee June to July 2026
Oral Research Paper Presentation Competition and Announcement of Winners August/September 2026

For inquiries/concerns, kindly contact the PCHRD Awards Secretariat at

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