The Philippine Council for Health Research and Development is one of the three sectoral planning councils of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST). It is a forward-looking, partnership-based national body responsible for coordinating and monitoring health research activities in the country.

PCHRD is now accepting research and development (R&D) proposals for funding in 2027.  The call for proposals is for specific R&D priority areas under the National Unified Health Research Agenda (NUHRA 2023-2028) and the DOST Harmonized National R&D Agenda (HNRDA), which hinges on emerging and re-emerging health concerns that can be addressed by health research and other innovative solutions.

This call encourages public and private higher education institutes, research and development institutes and other qualified S&T-based organizations to conduct applied R&D and forge collaboration by and among organizations and communities involved in health R&D.

Call Title:  2025 PCHRD Call for R&D  Proposals (for 2027 Funding)   
Proposal Acceptance Period:   Concept Proposals: March 1-15, 2025, 5 PM  

Full Blown Proposals: April 5 – May 15, 2025, 5 PM 

Evaluation Period:  May 16 – July 22, 2025 
Release of Final Decision:  End of July 2025 – Early August 2025 
Target Project Implementation:  January 2027

Call Topics, Scope and Other Details: For details on the call topics and scope, access the PCHRD CFP kit through the URL https://tinyurl.com/2025PCHRDCFPKit

Overall Application Process: 

A two-step submission process shall be applied for this Call: 

  • Concept  Proposals 

Proponents interested to submit for this call need to submit first a concept  proposal following DOST prescribed format. Proponents planning a program with multiple component projects  should submit a Program Concept Proposal and a Concept Proposal per component project. Concept proposals should be submitted via email (pchrd.rnd.concepts@gmail.com)  to PCHRD from March 1 up until March 15, 2025, 5 PM. 

Concept  proposals will be evaluated by PCHRD between March 16-31, 2025 based on alignment to priorities and Call topics, duplication and proponent eligibility. The decision on which concept proposals will be shortlisted for full blown submission will be released by PCHRD starting April 4, 2025. 

  • Full Blown Proposals 

Proponents who have submitted concept proposals and informed by PCHRD of the successful shortlisting of their proposals should  submit the full blown versions  and supplemental documents to the DOST Project Management Information System (http://dpmis.dost.gov.ph)  starting April 5, 2025 until May 15, 2025, 5 PM: 

The following will need to be encoded or uploaded online in the DOST DPMIS: 

  • Project   Proposal   following   the   DOST Detailed Proposal Form 
  • Work plan Schedule (Gantt Chart of Activities)
  • Proposed Line-Item Budget (LIB) including the Counterpart Funding of Implementing Agency
  • Curriculum Vitae of Proponent(s)
  • Duties and Responsibilities of each Project Personnel
  • Endorsement of Agency Head 
  • Informed Consent Form and Case Report Form, for proposals involving human subjects 
  • Gender and Development (GAD) Score Sheet

The following are considered supplemental requirements that are optional at the time of the submission of the proposal but are mandatory to be submitted prior to the issuance of final approval for a project: 

  • Ethics Clearance (for studies involving human subjects)
  • Biosafety Clearance, if applicable
  • Institutional Animal Care and Use Clearance, if applicable
  • Bureau of Animal Industry Clearance, if applicable

The DOST DPMIS will not accept proposal applications after May 15, 2025. Submissions via email or in hard copies will not also be considered. Proponents should allot ample time for registering and verifying their account, and for encoding the proposal in the DPMIS. 

The following will automatically be disapproved under the R&D Call managed by PCHRD’s R&D Management Division:

  • Proposals not submitted via the DOST DPMIS; 
  • Proposals from institutions  that are not qualified to submit during  the Call;
  • Proposals not within  the priority areas of PCHRD; 
  • Proposals meant to be submitted in other DOST Calls or for other Council Calls
  • Proposals that are purely capacity building and or institutional building in nature 
  • Proposals that are technology transfer/commercialization in nature 
  • Proposals that are meant for funding by the PCHRD Regional Health Research Development Consortia 
Who May Apply 

Following the eligibility requirements specified in the DOST Grants-in-Aid guidelines, the following may submit proposals for financial assistance: 

  • Public and private universities and colleges
  • Research and Development Institutes (RDIs) including hospitals conducting R&D 
  • Government agencies and its instrumentalities 
  • DOST-certified science foundations
  • Other public or private non- profit S&T institutions/organizations that are (1)  located in the Philippines, (2)  operated primarily for scientific, educational, service, or similar purposes in the public interest, (3) with  proven competence, and provided that   projects align to DOST/PCHRD priorities. Non-profit organizations engaged in lobbying activities are not eligible to apply.

Program and Project Leaders of proposal to be submitted must also meet the following eligibility requirements specified in the DOST Grants-in-Aid guidelines: 

  • Must be a Filipino citizen, subject to applicable laws 
  • Must hold a plantilla/permanent position in his/her primary institution of employment and is not due for retirement during the project implementation
  • With at least a Master’s Degree in a relevant field, have proven research competence / track record
  • Must not hold accountability with DOST and its funding agencies 
  • Must not have have been found guilty of any administrative or criminal case, including those under appeal 
Scope of Funding Support 

PCHRD has not set a cap for the funding that will be requested provided that the budget is appropriately justified and supported by details in the proposal. The implementing agency is expected to  provide counterpart funding (at least 15% of the total request budget for public institutions and at least 20% for private institutions)  in cash/in kind. 

Request for funding should be itemized following DOST Form 4-Project Line-Item Budget. Budget request may cover full or partial costs for project implementation, both direct and indirect costs for personnel  services, maintenance and other operating expenses, and capital outlay. Project expenses should be categorized  in accordance with the Unified Account Code Structure (UACS) and relevant provisions specified in Section IX.B. “Line Item Budget Preparation” of AO 011 series of 2020, also known as the Revised Guidelines for the Grants-in-aid Program) of the Department of Science and Technology and its Agencies. For capital outlay, this cannot include construction of new buildings and other types of major infrastructure. 

Contact Information

General inquiries about the Call may be emailed to  pchrd.rnd.concepts@gmail.com

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