Call for Proposals on Ethics in Health and Health-Related Research (For Funding in 2022)

In line with the strategic objective of the Philippine National Health Research System (PNHRS) to strengthen the capacity of the network to support health research, the Philippine Health Research Ethics Board (PHREB) is inviting researchers to submit their proposals on the following topics for funding in 2022:

  1. Benchmarking study on comparable standards and ethics review procedures in countries with systems or practices that can serve as models for further improvement;
  2. Impact on the implementation of the Data Privacy Act on research ethics review in the Philippines;
  3. Development of Philippine Glossary of Terms used in health research (in different dialects);
  4. Impact of ethics review on the quality and quantity of Philippine health research;
    Impact of the accreditation system in Research Ethics Committees’ (RECs) efficiency, effectivity, and quality of review;
  5. Impact of ethics training on research quality and researcher productivity;
  6. Evaluation on the implementation of research with Indigenous People;
  7. Determination of Filipino perspective on:
  • Data privacy act;
  • Post-research benefits;
  • Authorship and publication;
  • Peer review;
  • Research misconduct;
  • Whistle blowing; and
  • Research fairness
  • Ethical issues in internet-based research, including participant recruitment and informed consent taking, data harvesting, and privacy;
  • Ethical issues in research involving artificial intelligence and other novel technologies;
  • Assessment of PHREB’s information dissemination and accreditation systems;
  • Assessment of RECs performance in the context of the pandemic; and
  • Survey of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) policies and practices in ensuring scientific integrity.


The principal researcher must be a Filipino and is currently holding a permanent or regular position in any of the following institutions:

  1. Commission on Higher Education (CHED) accredited HEIs;
    Research and Development Institutions (RDIs);
  2. State Universities and Colleges (SUCs);
  3. Private Organization (PO)/Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) with proven track record in research and development;
  4. DOST-certified science foundation.

Funding modality

The Department of Science and Technology – Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST-PCHRD) shall fund the project expenditures as itemized in the approved Line Item Budget (LIB). The grant shall be covered under the DOST Administrative Order No. 011, Series of 2020 (Revised Guidelines for the Grants-in-Aid Program of the Department of Science and Technology and Its Agencies).


Interested proponents shall submit the following documents not later than 31 August 2021 through the DOST-PCHRD’s Project Management System at

1. Letter of Intent addressed to:

Executive Director III
Philippine Council for Health Research and Development
Saliksik Building, DOST Compound, Gen. Santos Ave., Bicutan, Taguig City

2. Complete proposal following the DOST-PCHRD Detailed Research Proposal;
3. Detailed breakdown of the funding assistance following the DOST Form 4
4. Work plan following DOST Form 5;
5. Curriculum Vitae or Personal Data Sheet of Project Leader and other co-researchers/implementers;
6. Endorsement letter signed by the head of the institution/agency;
7. If applicable, clearance from the DOST or the Funding Agency on previously funded completed projects handled by the Project Leader.
8. For private sector/NGOs, the following shall be submitted:

a. Up-to-date Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) registration, or Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) registration, or Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) registration certificate, or other authenticated copy of latest Articles of Cooperation and other related legal documents;
b. Co-signers Statement (if applicable);
c. Copy of latest Income Tax Return
d. Mayor’s permit where the business is located;
e. Audited Financial Statements for the past three (3) years preceding the date of project implementation or in case of those with operation of less than 3 years, for the years in operation and proof of previous implementation of similar projects;
f. Document showing that NGO/PO has equity to 20 percent of the total project cost, which shall be in the form of labor, land for the project site, facilities, equipment and the like, to be used in the project;
g. Disclosure of other related business, if any;
h. List and/or photographs of similar projects previously completed, if any, indicating the source of funds for implementation;
i. Sworn affidavit of secretary of the NGO/PO that none of its incorporators, organizers, directors or officers is an agent of or related by consanguinity or affinity up to the fourth civil degree to the official of the agency authorized to process and/or approved the proposed MOA, and release of funds;
j. For Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), compliance to regulations as required by the General Appropriations Act (GAA) pertaining to fund transfers to CSOs; and
k. For foundation, DOST certification as accredited by the Science and Technology Foundation Unit.

Private HEIs accredited by CHED and private RDIs with a proven track record with DOST-PCHRD shall be exempted from the abovementioned requirements.

The submitted project proposals shall undergo the evaluation process of DOST-PCHRD. Approved projects will be funded by the DOST-PCHRD and are subject to DOST-PCHRD rules and monitoring.

For more information, please contact the PHREB Secretariat, Ms. Marie Jeanne Berroya or Ms. Maria Belen Balbuena, at email address

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