Balik Scientist Program: Scientists discuss what effective oral presentation is

It is not about making yourself look good; it is about making the message clear. So emphasized two Balik Scientist Program (BSP) awardees during the “Training on Effective Oral and Poster Presentation” on 27-28 October 2015 at the Department of Science and Technology (DOST).

Effective oral presentation revolves around four criteria, namely: content, clarity and organization, style and delivery, and expertise, according to BSP awardees Dr. Jonel Saludes and Dr. Doralyn Dalisay.

According to the aforementioned scientists, presenters who are mostly researchers should be mindful of their lectures’ content to ensure that their presented studies convey new information, pose interesting questions, describe important ideas, and offer discovery.

It is also important that the lecture is clear and organized to enable the audience to keep up. In order to achieve this, presenters should make their lectures understandable, avoid jargon, and use clear and simple visual aids.

Style and delivery, likewise, should be considered in order to sustain the attention of the audience and keep them awake. Dr. Saludes pointed out that in presenting orally, the presenters should convey enthusiasm, vary the tone of their voice, avoid staying in one place, and be friendly and approachable.

Dr. Saludes also stressed that presenters should convey expertise in their talk by appearing credible and confident. They should also answer any questions clearly.

Dr. Dalisay, on her part, stated that while questions raised after the talk might be difficult, they would definitely help the presenters by providing them valuable points to consider when furthering their research studies. To equip presenters to answer posed questions smoothly, Dr. Dalisay advised doing these following: repeating the questions for clarity, keeping the answers short, and anticipating typical questions and preparing for them.

Dr. Dalisay warned that presenters should never demean any questions raised by the audience; and that if the question could lead to an argument, they should always calm the situation down. She also encouraged dressing appropriately for oral presentations as it makes the presenters appear authoritative and credible.

The “Training on Effective Oral and Poster Presentation” was organized by the MIMAROPA Health Research and Development Consortium and the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD). The BSP is an initiative which encourages highly-trained overseas Filipino scientists and technologists, experts, and professionals to return to the Philippines and share their expertise for the acceleration of the scientific, agro-industrial and economic development of the country.

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