Funding opportunities from Grand Challenges Canada

The Grand Challenges Canada is now accepting applications for three funding opportunities that are currently openThey are looking for bold ideas with big impact. The current funding opportunities are as follows:

1.  Canada’s Rising Stars in Global Health



This funding program aims to tap into the creativity, knowledge and skills of Canada’s early-career innovators to solve some of the most persistent health challenges in the developing world. We are looking for innovative ideas to address complex real-world challenges that involve a scientific/technological solution (new or existing) alone or in combination with social and/or business innovations.



2.  Rising Stars in Global Health



Similar to the Canada’s Rising Stars in Global Health program, this funding program aims to tap into the creativity, knowledge and skills of early-career innovators. However, this program is specifically seeking bold ideas from innovators from low- and lower-middle income countries.



3.  Saving Lives at Birth



Grand Challenges Canada in partnership with the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Government of Norway, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development are calling on the brightest minds across the globe to identify and scale up transformative prevention and treatment approaches at the time of birth for pregnant women and newborns in underserved, low-resource settings. Specifically, the Saving Lives at Birth partners are looking for applications for innovative approaches to address roadblocks to healthy pregnancies and births in three domains: science & technology, service delivery and “demand side” innovation.



Grand Challenges Canada is a unique and independent not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving the health and well-being of people in developing countries by integrating scientific, technological, business and social innovation. Grand Challenges Canada works with the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and other global health foundations and organizations to find sustainable long-term solutions to the most pressing health challenges. Grand Challenges Canada is hosted at the Sandra Rotman Centre.



For further information, please visit their website at

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